Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 19 [Day 29] (Cliff Hansen) The temperature reached a high of 7C at 1800 from a low of 4.5C and was still 7C at 1800. Ground winds were calm initially then SW 5-15 km/h for the rest of the day while ridge winds were mainly strong SSW-WSW gusting to 115 km/h. Cloud cover was 100% altostratus and altocumulus at 0900 that gradually reduced during the day reaching 10% at 1800, but generally providing excellent observing conditions. Raptor movement, was disappointing, however, with the total of 8 Golden Eagles (4a, 2j, 2u) being the lowest on an active field day since September 27. Birds moved between 1132 and 1609 with 4 of the birds moving between 1234 and 1250. The only other migrant raptor noted was a small Accipiter, and the only probable migrant songbirds were a flock of 9 Grey-crowned Rosy-Finches. 10 hours (325.24) UA 1 (13), GOEA 8 (2313) TOTAL 9 (2597)


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