Tuesday, November 2, 2010

October 30 [Day 39] (Ron Dutcher) It was a slightly warmer day with a high temperature of 8C at 1600, with starting and finishing temperatures of -2C and 7C respectively. Ground winds were S-SW gusting to 50 km/h while ridge winds were yet again strong SW frequently gusting well over 100 km/h, and it was essentially cloudless all day. A total of 23 raptors migrated between 0925 and 1630 with maximum movement between 1400 and 1500 when 10 of the day’s 21 Golden Eagles (17a, 3j, 1u) were recorded. The only other raptor migrants were 1 adult Bald Eagle and an undifferentiated Buteo, and non-raptor migrants comprised 20 Bohemian Waxwings and an American Tree Sparrow. 9.42 hours (424.82) BAEA 1 (105), UB 1 (9), GOEA 21 (2668) TOTAL 23 (2998)


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